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Accident on I-20 Ramp, Exit 34 WB (Douglasville)

On August 5th, 2021, Officer O Williams was dispatched to the scene of an accident on the I-20 West, west of 34 WB exit ramp.

The accident occurred at 12:36.

Ms. M Martin stated that she was driving a Ford Fusion in the far-left lane headed west on the I-20 before the Highway 5 exit ramp.

Mr. Martin further stated that she was traveling behind a blue truck, possibly an Avalanche or Nissan.

This vehicle changed lanes into the middle lane before returning to the left lane where it collided with Ms. Martin’s vehicle.

Ms. Martin continued to state that the blue truck crossed three lanes of traffic to take Exit 34.

Ms. Martin also took Exit 34 but lost sight of the truck.

The driver of the truck was not traced.

Ms. Martin did not sustain any injury and her vehicle sustained slight damage and was removed by herself.

The weather surface conditions, and light conditions were all good.

The accident was reported in Douglasville, Douglas County.


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