On June 10, 2021, Officer R Rivera was dispatched to the scene of an accident at Spring Road SE east of Jonquil Drive SE.
The accident occurred at 17:38.
Mr. Z Knudsen was driving a Kia Forte and Mr. S Daniel was driving a Toyota RAV4 Limited.
Both vehicles were traveling westbound on Spring Road SE in the left travel lane.
Mr. Daniel stated that he had stopped in traffic congestion near the intersection of Spring Road SE and Jonquil Dive SE.
Mr. Knudsen’s vehicle was behind Mr. Daniel’s vehicle and as he braked for traffic his vehicle hydroplaned, causing his front bumper to collide with Mr. Daniel’s rear bumper.
Neither driver sustained any injury and minor damage was sustained by both vehicles, which were removed by their respective drivers.
No citation was issued to Mr. Daniel for following too closely due to technology complications.
The weather was rainy, surface conditions were wet, and light condition was dark: lighted.
The accident was reported in Smyrna, Cobb County.
