On June 23, 2021, Officer W F Rodriguez was dispatched to the scene of an accident on Windy Hill Road SE east of Reed Street SE.
The accident occurred at 05:55.
Mr. M Henrriquez was driving a Honda Civic and Ms. H Mitchell was driving a Toyota Corolla.
Both vehicles were traveling east in the left straight lane on Windy Hill Road SE
Ms. Mitchell stated she slowed down due to a disabled vehicle.
Mr. Henrriquez did not slow down and rear-ended Ms. Mitchell’s vehicle.
Mr. Henrriquez was cited and arrested in terms of O.C.G.A. 40-5-20 “Driving while unlicensed” and cited in terms of O.C.G.A. 40-6-49 “Following too closely”.
Slight damage was caused to both vehicles.
Ms. Mitchell removed her own vehicle, and the second vehicle was removed by the owner.
The weather and surface conditions were good, and the light condition was dusk.
The accident was reported in Smyrna, Cobb County.
